Arcturian/Galactic Energy Healing

The Arcturians are incredibly wise, advanced beings. Their civilisation is one of the most technically and spiritually advanced in the Nataru (Milky Way) galaxy.

Extraterrestrial contactee, Elena Danaan, in her book, A Gift from the Stars, Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, writes that the Arcturians “are known for their power of healing, transforming matter, as well as bending and manipulating light itself… As guardians and protectors of higher consciousness, they are able to anchor the Source directly and consciously. They work at raising the consciousness of the multiverse, in a way that always allows free-will; educating those who chose to take the path of ascension, raising their vibration and clearing the path to higher consciousness.”

Hailing from the Bootes Constellation, 36 light years from Earth, Arcturians are master healers and have specialist medical and healing teams which are highly respected by other extraterrestrial races.

Bootes constellation

I absolutely love the energy of the Arcturians — calm, peaceful, wise, loving, spiritual and so, so, advanced. I have huge respect for them and am incredibly grateful that I have been gifted the opportunity to work with them.

I first encountered the Arcturians a few years ago during meditation and strengthened my relationship with them over time. I found out they were master healers which piqued my interest in energy healing again after many years. I had done a few energy healing courses in the past but found them too constrained and limited for my liking. I thought if I was going to do energy healings again, I wanted to access the highest frequency I could — the Arcturians. I was thrilled to discover Arcturian Light Healing and Advanced Arcturian Light Healing courses.

It was while doing my Arcturian Light Healing course that I first met Arcturians Simon, Freya, and Monique, with whom I would form a healing team. Although the Arcturian race is ancient, Simon, Freya and Monique had never worked together before. Simon drily suggested that we call ourselves, ‘Team Eternity’ which made us all laugh. We all have different roles in the team although we overlap and assist each other. Simon identifies and diagnoses what is going on in the client’s body, Freya will get down into the ‘ick’ to break up and move trapped energy, and Monique transmutes the released energy, provides comfort and holds space during the healing process. I do whatever I am guided to do while collaborating with my teammates. Our team often has discussions about the healing strategy before, and sometimes even during, the healing session. The healing sessions are all off-body which I find to be more powerful and effective than hands-on healing.

Team Eternity
(Artwork by Bruni Gunther-Tsapilis)

Although the Arcturians have specialist medical and healing teams, they also work with other high vibrational light beings. During an Arcturian Light Healing session, it is not uncommon for other galactic races who have a special connection to the client (even if the client is unaware of it) to appear and be invited to participate in the healing session.

An Arcturian Light/Galactic Energy Healing session takes approximately 1.5 hours and costs $150.

Healing sessions can be done either remotely or face-to-face in my Arcturian Healing Chamber in Sunny Corner.

Healing Room
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An Arcturian/Galactic Energy Healing is not a substitute for professional health care. If you have, or believe you have, a medical/health condition please consult your health care professional.

You need to move through the fear of "How will I survive?" to calibrate your consciousness to a higher frequency.
~ The Arcturians

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